Trust an Independent Operator for an Enhanced O&M Approach
Plant Owners: Who do you turn to when you plant or equipment experiences issues or needs regular service or maintenance? While it is common practice to turn to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for maintenance on each major piece of equipment, there are advantages to taking [...]
PRESS RELEASE: Worcester Polytechnic Institute On-Campus Utility System
Harrison Street Enters Into a Long-Term Public-Private Partnership with Worcester Polytechnic Institute for its On-Campus Utility SystemEnergy Efficiency, Sustainability, and Hands-On Research are at Core of 40-Year Deal; Planned System Upgrades Present Compelling Cost Savings for WPI and Reduction in Campus Energy Consumption and Carbon EmissionsCHICAGO, [...]
CPT Receives NJ Alliance for Action’s New Jersey’s Leading Capital Construction Project Award
Cogen Power Technologies along with their major partners received the “New Jersey’s Leading Capital Construction Project” award by New Jersey Alliance for Action in honor of the work done on the Morristown Medical Center Combined Heat and Power Plant project. The 4.6 MW Gas Turbine Combined [...]
Emergency Power System and Generator Project at The Empire State Plaza
The CPT led Design-Build team is underway with building construction to house the new 10 MW Emergency Power Generation System for the New York Power Authority and New York State Office of General Services. The new building will house 10 MW of Diesel Emergency Generators with [...]